Reading: The Concept of Opportunity Cost Microeconomics

opportunity cost means that something needs to be

Because most options are mutually exclusive (see MECE), and choosing one Partnership Accounting often means giving up another. The key principle is that you always consider the option with the highest opportunity cost. This means the option with the highest opportunity cost is the most “expensive” if ignored.

opportunity cost means that something needs to be

Advanced Resources

  • Opportunity cost is often used by investors to compare investments, but the concept can be applied to many different scenarios.
  • If the graduate decides to change career fields, any decision should factor in future costs to do so rather than costs that have already been incurred.
  • Retrofitting all U.S. planes with reinforced cockpit doors to make it harder for terrorists to take over the plane would have a price tag of $450 million.
  • An investor calculates the opportunity cost by comparing the returns of two options.
  • Attending college is another case where the opportunity cost exceeds the monetary cost.
  • A company used $5,000 for marketing and advertising on its music streaming service to increase exposure to the target market and potential consumers.
  • If you show in a case interview that you understand opportunity costs, you demonstrate strategic thinking.

As a result, individuals inevitably face trade-offs when making decisions. For example, if an investor decides to put $100 into ABC stock, that is $100 he cannot put into cash flow XYZ stock, or alternatively, some other kind of asset, for example a bond. Alternatively, if an individual spends $20,000 on a sedan, he cannot put that same amount toward a minivan. Therefore we are concerned with the optimal use and distribution of these scarce resources.

opportunity cost means that something needs to be

Factors of Production

Individuals also face decisions involving such missed opportunities, even if the stakes are often smaller.

opportunity cost means that something needs to be

Explicit costs

  • The conversation also covers whether economics has anything to say about free….
  • Nations must decide whether to devote more funds to national defense or to protecting the environment.
  • Hence marginal opportunity cost in the numeraire is equal for all suppliers….
  • “Explicit costs are those that are incurred when taking a specific course of action,” says Bob Castaneda, program director of Walden University’s College of Management of Technology.

If there is no opportunity cost in consuming a good, we can term it a free good. For example, if you breathe air, it doesn’t reduce the amount available to other people – there is no opportunity cost. If you have 12 hours at your disposal during the day, you could spend these hours in work or leisure.

  • On the other hand, to make 1 tonne of wool, Country A has to give up 5 tonnes of tea, while Country B would need to give up 0.3 tonnes of tea, so Country B has a comparative advantage over the production of wool.
  • In contrast, opportunity cost focuses on the potential for lower returns from a chosen investment compared to a different investment that was not chosen.
  • There are no cash exchanges in the realization of implicit costs.
  • If you don’t have the actual rate of return, you can weigh the investment’s expected return.
  • But the opportunity cost is that you lose out on the potential of getting better qualifications and possibly a higher salary in the long-run.

Further Reading

If you want the latest, biggest flat-screen television set, then you would have to give up spending the money on something opportunity cost means that something needs to be else or you would have to save less. Opportunity cost refers to the value a person could have received but passed up in pursuit of another option. The theory of comparative advantage states that countries should specialise in producing goods where they have a lower opportunity cost. If you enter the workforce at 16 without qualifications you start earning money straight away. But the opportunity cost is that you lose out on the potential of getting better qualifications and possibly a higher salary in the long-run.

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